Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sunday March 8th CHIEFS vs CHIEFS

Everyone can join this game!! I just ask that you try and let us know you're coming so we can make teams before hand. There will be refs just to make it a bit more competitive.
The time is 10am-12pm UPSTAIRS CHIEFS dark vs CHIEFS white
Sign up here or email
Roster in no order so far is....
Tomorrow(sun8th) is the Chiefs white vs dark friendly. Ice time is from 10am be ready for 10 ! We've got 2 refs to keep you in check and to just make it more fun...
Warm-up 10:15am to 10:25
1st Period 10:25-10:55
2nd Period 11am-11:30
3rd Period 11:35-12pm
Chiefs Team White=
Claude in Nets
Tbone PeterM BenB HeeJoon ThomasG AaronG RyanC Kyong MattB TimW NickSP CoreyN Michele GaryE

Chiefs Team Blue=
Eddie in Nets
TallPaul ScottN Jack PaulA Dean Glen Lexi AlF DanA Karl RyanW JoonTaek TommyA Rick

Thursday, February 26, 2009

March Ice times

Good times for this month boys and girl ! Haven't lost a step yet !

Sun 1st 9-11am
Wed 4th 9-11pm
Sun 8th 10am-12pm UPSTAIRS (Chiefs vs Chiefs Fun Game)
Wed 11th 9-11pm
Sun 15th 9:30-11am
Wed 18th 9-11pm
Sun 22nd 10am-12pm
Wed 25th NO skate
Sun 29th 10am-12pm

The Chiefs vs Chiefs "fun game" is just a regular skate but it would be nice if you sign up and we'll make two teams before that day. Email or post your name on this post

Saturday, February 07, 2009


Info on the Daejeon HOME and HOME is 2 stories below ..have a look

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Just for you

Nothing to do with hockey, but if you need to get anywhere and you need to find a bus/trian/subway

check this website out.